Sunday, 8 April 2012


I intend to turn the mental journey shown within the stream of consciousness focused on in Dharma Bums into a physical journey on the farm I grew up on. Therefore not only creating a beautiful abstract piece which draws Preretrospect back to its original roots, but also making it a personal piece once more. 

To do this I am going to create a short pixilation animation set on the farm, without any human presence, using only the landscape. The time and location of every single photo will directly correspond mathematically to the stream of consciousness it has been based on. By digitally layering the net for Dharma Bums over an aerial view of the fields, I am able to plot the path which will be taken. The mathematics behind all the photos will follow in the next post.

The end result will be a short (2 min roughly) animation where the viewer is pulled erratically around the landscape over a full day. As every single photo (there will have to be 3,240 in total) corresponds directly to the stream of consciousness, how quickly the film travels from A to B and the distance required between each point, is in direct accordance with Dharma Bums. Sometimes a large distance will be travelled in less than a second, whereas directly after, it may take seconds to barely travel at all. Although this may seem as though the viewer will not have a lot of time to fully appreciate the imagery of the farm, I personally think that it illustrates the inner workings of the mind better. Often when these types of thought processes happen, you cover too much in a short space of time to fully process every thought while it is happening. Instead having to either discard, or consciously revisit and process at a slower speed later. 

Apologies if that doesn't make much sense. It will once the final piece has been shot and edited. It is still being made fully coherent in my own mind as well. Plus it may require reading the previous posts for Preretrospect to grasp a better idea.