The one advantage/disadvantage of third year is the lack of set briefs - everything is self-initiated. This gives you more freedom and scope to tailor the work to your own interests. But at the same time, can allow ideas to develop at a dramatic speed. Hence the project 'Preretrospect'.
Initially I was looking at the myth of the ideal childhood, and how it is mainly based on prelapsarian ideals. However, after a tutorial with my tutor, we discovered that what interested me within this was in fact the way that we edit memories to suit a particular situation. This lead onto the general discussion about past, future and present. Preretrospect was born.
I was told to look at a piece of work by Conrad Shawcross entitled Pre-retrospective (check it out HERE). Although his concept was actually based around the obsession of documenting everything photographically, it got me thinking...
Are we so caught up in either relating everything in the present to the past (or constantly dwelling on it), as well as already thinking about how we might react to the present in the future, that we are rarely living directly in the present anymore?